‘DOXA’ ****************************************************************************************** * ****************************************************************************************** *========================================================================================= * *========================================================================================= ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Catholic Faculty of Theology publishes twice a year a 32-pages full-colour bulletin ‘Doxa’ Faculty’s communication with the public and especially with the alumni. In Greek, doxa (?? the meaning of glory, splendour, majesty, shine, reputation, respect, meaning, or opinion, Doxa aims to facilitate a friendly dialogue between the academia and the public, represent students, the alumni, and the friends of the Faculty. Doxa is here also as a means to info ‘joys and the hopes, the griefs and the anxieties of the men of this age’. It desires to l the present, and the future and to share these views that are being formed at the Faculty. Faculty follows its mission that is shared by the members of the Faculty and its students. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Download DOXA: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1/2015 [ URL "KTFENG-133-version1- 2/2015 [ URL "KTFENG-133-version1-3/2016 [ URL "KTFENG- doxa_1_2015m.pdf"] doxa_02_15web.pdf"] doxa_03_15.pdf"] Liturgie Pastorační konverze Boží milosrdenství 4/2016 [ URL "KTFENG-133-version1-d5/2016 [ URL "KTFENG-133-version1-6/2017 [ URL "KTFENG- Je teologie vůbec zapotřebí? doxa_05_16.pdf"] version1-2017_06_01_1 Kazatelna Čert 7/2017 [ URL "KTFENG-133- 8/2018 [ URL "KTFENG-133-version1-9/2018 [ URL "KTFENG- version1-2017_12_4_1040_doxa_07_webdoxa_02_2018.pdf"] doxa_09_18_web.pdf"] Modlitba Svaté přijímání Správná viditelnost c 10/2019 [ URL "KTFENG-133-version1-11/20219 [ URL "KTFENG-133-version12/2020 [ URL "KTFENG doxa_10_web_ok.pdf"] ktf_1370_version1_doxa_10_2019_webdoxa_12_20_knizni_blo Statečnost Duše Humor 13/2021 [ URL "KTFENG-133-version1-14/2021 [ URL "KTFENG-133-version115/2022 [ URL "https: doxa_13.pdf"] ktf_1370_version1_14_doxa_web_02_wKTF-1370-version1-15_ Samota Tvář Naše věda