Centre for Theology and Arts

Centre of Theology and Art

The centre serves as an international platform for contemporary art, culture and religion. It focuses on the organization of lectures, meetings and discussions mostly with international guests; it initiates the preparation of book editions or publication in both academic periodicals and popular journals and cooperates during liturgical and artistic interventions of contemporary art in sacred spaces. The centre was established in 2007 and it operates within the Department of Theological Ethics and Spiritual Theology.

Head of the Centre:

Ing. arch. Mgr. Norbert Schmidt

Web: http://ctu-uk.cz/english

Last change: December 7, 2022 15:51 

Charles University

Catholic Theological Faculty

Thákurova 3, Prague 6, 160 00

Czech Republic

IČO: 00216208

DIČ: CZ00216208

Main contacts

Dean (Secretariat)

+420 220 181 244,

fax:+420 220 181 234


International Relations Office

+420 220 181 241


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