The following list contains foreign language books only. For the complete list see the following link.
Zdeněk Kazlepka | Martin Zlatohlávek | English translation: Simon Gill
The publication, which is an output of the project The technique, function, style and context of Italian drawing of High Renaissance and Mannerism, is a catalogue of the exhibition of the same name. The representative show of 16th-century Italian drawings will takes place on the premises of the Archbishop's Castle in Kroměříž from 15th June to 17th September 2023. The exhibition was prepared by the Olomouc Museum of Art and presents works from the collections of the National Gallery in Prague, the Moravian Gallery in Brno, the Regional Museum in Teplice, the Archbishopric of Olomouc, the Museum and Gallery in Prostějov, the National Heritage Institute, Charles University and the Memorial of National Literature.
The book is conceived as the first part of a three-part catalogue of Italian drawings from the public collections of the Czech Republic. The present volume is preceded by two previously published publications entitled "The Muse Under the Heavens - Italian Early Baroque Drawings from Czech and Moravian Collections" (published for an exhibition at the Moravian Gallery in Brno) and "Varieties of Drawing - Italian Drawings of the High and Late Baroque Period in Czech and Moravian Public Collections".
Published by: Catholic Theological Faculty of Charles University and Museum of Modern Art Olomouc, 2023
ISBN: 978-80-87922-35-4 (Catholic Theological Faculty)
ISBN: 978-80-88621-02-7 (Museum of Modern Art Olomouc)
Collective of Authors, Magdaléna Nová (ed.)
The Monograph consists of contributions authored by experts specialized in various fields of art history. The authors are aiming to examine the drawing as a titular "Basis of all art" from perspectives in their respective areas of research with the ambition to put newly discovered, newly attributed, or yet unpublished drawings into a broader context. The development of the role and importance of drawing are introduced through history since late antiquity and early medieval illuminated manuscripts until late baroque painting. The publication also examines the way how Italian art was introduced to central Europe, with a focus on Bohemian and Moravian lands, and how drawing became an important vehicle for transferring ideas and concepts. This phenomenon is described within the context of visual arts and last but not least in relation to the philosophical and literary milieu of the era.
Prague 2020: Catholic theological faculty Charles University, 184 pp.,
ISBN 978-80-87922-22-4
Alice Fornasiero | Eliška Zlatohlávková | Miroslav Kindl
The ambition of this monograph is to deepen the knowledge of the spaces dedicated to the collection of objets d'art in the aristocratic world of the Lands of the Bohemian crown in the period between the fifteenth and early seventeenth centuries. The main goal is to reconstruct the relationship between the patron and the collection and the space in which it was located - studiolo, Kunstkammer, guardaroba, gallery, antiquarium etc. An attempt was made to go beyond the approach mainly followed by previous research, especially oriented towards the reconstruction of individual architectural decorative projects and of the content of the collections. The book focuses mainly on secular spaces. The secular collecting of this geographical and cultural area has been inserted here into a broader context underlying the cultural transfers from German and Italian milieux. Link to the book:
Prague 2020: Catholic theological faculty Charles University, 270 p. : il. ; 22 cm,
ISBN: 978-80-87922-28-6
Parmi les concepts en usage dans le langage moral, certains s’avèrent être plus nocifs que féconds. Quels sont alors ceux dont nous pourrons nous servir dans jeu de la recherche du bien humain sans craindre de nous égarer? Comment préserver et promouvoir l’héritage, la vitalité et la pertinence de la morale chrétienne dans un contexte qui s’en est éloignée? Entre la défense apologétique et la recherche de compromis biaisés, quelle attitude le moraliste chrétien doit-il adopter pour faire entendre sa voix? La philosophe britannique Elizabeth Anscombe (1919-2001), élève et amie de Wittgenstein, aristotélicienne et convertie au catholicisme, nous a laissé une contribution majeure pour répondre à ces enjeux éthiques contemporains. Son itinéraire intellectuel, par sa sobriété, son honnêteté et son réalisme, demeure exemplaire en la matière. En effet, elle a non seulement permis un renouveau de la « philosophie de l’action » suite la publication de son maître ouvrage, L’intention (1957), mais elle a aussi développé des réflexions originales en philosophie et théologie morales. Celles-ci, dispersées dans de nombreux essais, sont aujourd’hui accessibles grâce au remarquable travail d’édition de Mary Geach et Luke Gormally. Ce travail doctoral présente le premier essai de synthèse, en langue française, de l’apport anscombien sur la critique du langage déontologique et sa grammaire profonde.
Collection Cerf Patrimoines 2020, 296 pp.,
ISBN: 9782204138796
In Quodvultdeus: a Bishop Forming Christians in Vandal Africa, David Vopřada presents the pre-baptismal catecheses of the fifth-century bishop of Carthage, delivered to the new believers in extremely di cult period of barbaric incursions. Quodvultdeus is generally not appraised as an original philosopher or theologian as his master Augustine was, in this book his qualities of a bishop who was entrusted with the care of his flock come forward. Making interdisciplinary use of the ancient and ecclesiastical history, philosophy, theology, archaeology, exegesis, liturgy science, homiletics, and rhetorics, the book offers a new and most innovative contribution to the life, work, and theology of Quodvultdeus.
Supplements to Vigiliae Christianae, vol. 154, Leiden: Brill, 2020, 367 pp.,
ISBN 978-90-04-41237-8, e-ISSN 978-90-04-41238-5
Karel Sládek (ed.)
The multi-authored monograph The Christian Roots of European Identity: A Central European Perspective offers views on European identity from academics based at universities in Central Europe: Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic, the University of Prešov, Slovakia, and the Pontifical University of John Paul II in Krakow, Poland. Because of the high relevance of Islam in Europe today, a specialist from the Ludwig Maximillian University in Munich, Germany, was also invited to contribute to the book. These perspectives on European identity are rooted in countries whose membership of the Soviet bloc for much of the twentieth century set them on a different political trajectory from that of Western Europe, and where the relationship between Christianity and European identity became key, especially after the fall of the iron curtain and the re-establishment of religious freedoms.
Wien: Praesens Verlag (in cooperation with Pavel Mervart), 2019, 244 pp.
ISBN 978-3-7069-1043-9
Tomáš Špidlík: A Theological Life offers one of the first comprehensive reflections on the life and work of this enigmatic Czech theologian and cardinal. Going beyond the usual biographical and bibliographical summary, the book provides an in-depth theological reflection on the legacy which this much-loved spiritual father left to the worldwide Church. In writing this specialised work author has sought to place one small piece into what I hope will become a beautiful mosaic of research into Špidlík’s life, a mosaic that will continue to reveal new perspectives on this great yet humble Czech theologian who became a symbol of the ecumenical bridge between Eastern and Western Christianity and left an indelible mark on the world of spiritual theology.
Prague: Karolinum 2019, 112 pp.
ISBN 9788024643793
The following list contains foreign language books only. Display the complete list for the books written between the years 2013 - 2018 and 2009 - 2013.
Collective of Authors, Mireia Ryšková (ed.)
This book aims to capture and describe various aspects of the search for transcendence both now and through history. The reality that seeking and finding God’s face no longer constitutes the natural horizon of our lives is reflected in the book’s division into two parts: part one shows how men and women have sought and found God’s face through the sacred texts of the Old and New Testaments, through sacred images and through philosophical and theological enquiry; part two explores this enquiry in the works of modern philosophers and theologians such as Karl Marx, Friedrich Nietzsche, Auguste Comte, Jan Patočka and Jorge Mario Bergoglio (now Pope Francis), and places what was once a natural way of life under the critical lens of contemporary thought.
Prague: Karolinum, 2018, 358 pp.
ISBN 978-80-246-3979-6
Gemma Serrano | Benedikt Mohelník OP (eds.)
The collaboration between the Czech Dominican Revue Salve, the Catholic Theological Faculty in Prague, and the Collège des Bernardins in Paris have borne further fruit. A special issue of the Revue Théologique des Bernardins entitled La théologie tchèque aujourd’hui [Czech Theology Today] was published in Paris in November 2016. The volume of more than two hundred and fifty pages contains texts by Benedikt Mohelník OP, Tomáš Petráček, David Vopřada, Pavel Vojtěch Kohout OCD, Tomáš Halík, and Norbert Schmidt. This book not only examines how theology is "done" in the Czech Republic today but also how Christian thoughts enter the public sphere.
Collège des Bernardins, Hors série, 2016, ISBN 978-2-88918-934-2, 256 pp.
La question qui nous intéresse est la suivante : que se passe-t-il lorsqu’on lit une péricope évangélique au cours de la messe ? Pour y répondre, nous partons de la célébration elle-même, c’est-à-dire de son aménagement actuel et passé dans les quatre liturgies occidentales dont trois sont encore en vigueur, la quatrième y étant étroitement liée: les liturgies romaine, ambrosienne, hispano-mozarabe et gallicane. Nous cherchons également la réponse en examinant la genèse des éléments liturgiques et leur développement historique ainsi que les explications contenues dans les livres liturgiques. Finalment nous examinons le caractère général de la proclamation de l’Évangile d’un point de vue liturgique, en nous interrogeant sur l’origine de la procession solennelle au sein de la liturgie de la Parole, et nous esquissons quelques pistes d’interprétation théologique à partir de la liturgie (Link to the book).
Rome: EOS - Editions of Sankt Ottilien, 2016, ISBN 978-3-8306-7781-9, 168 pp.
Il testo si presenta come una analisi al "Commento al Salmo 118" di sant'Ambrogio, finalizzata a spiegare il modo in cui si manifesta il mistero di Cristo nei sacramenti, nella vita liturgica e nella vita sociale dei fedeli, rivolgendo un'attenzione particolare anche al contesto socio-culturale del IV secolo (Link to the book:
Roma: Institutum Patristicum Augustinianum, 2016, 576 s. ISBN 978-88-7961-145-9
The quest for unity and multiplicity is one of the most important concerns in the history of human thought. Since the origins of the history of philosophy up to the present, we can observe more or less unceasing interest in the issue. The same holds of the writings of Thomas Aquinas, to whose conception this work is devoted. Since the problem of unity and multitude is closely linked to many other key metaphysical issues, such as the doctrine of transcendental concepts, the mode of composition of being qua being, as well as substantial and accidental being, or the doctrine of whole and part, we believe that its proper interpretation not only can clarify some partial metaphysical problem, but will also contribute to understanding the metaphysical thought of the Angelic Doctor as a whole.
Neunkirchen-Seelscheid: Editiones scholasticae, 2015,
ISBN: 978-3-86838-563-2, 156 pp.
Lukáš Novák | Daniel D. Novotný | Prokop Sousedík | David Svoboda (Eds.)
Throughout the greater part of the twentieth century, both in the analytic and continental traditions, metaphysics was deemed to be passé. The last few decades, however, have witnessed a remarkable growth of interest among analytic philosophers in various traditional metaphysical topics, such as modality, truth, causality, etc. which resulted in the emergence of various forms of analytic metaphysics. The new forms of metaphysics differ from its traditional forms mostly in their methodology (we may notice various applications of contemporary formal logical techniques) and in the range of proposed solutions to particular problems. Besides these and other differences, however, there are also many similarities and there are even some who intentionally develop traditional metaphysical themes using the contemporary analytical methods. All these developments call for detailed exploration, which is the general goal of the present publication Metaphysics: Aristotelian, Scholastic, Analytic. The publication is the fruit of the conference which took place in Prague in 2010 and which had for its aim to bring together those willing to explore relations between the traditional and contemporary concerns, both from among the leading analytic philosophers working in metaphysics and the historians of philosophy devoted to the study of the metaphysical tradition. The specific focus of the conference was a re-examination of topics such as categories, metaphysical structure, substance and accident, existence, modalities, and predication.
Berlin: Walter de Gruyter 2013, 283 pp.
ISBN: 978-3-86838-146-7
An Italian painter, Simone Gionima (1655-1731) worked for twenty years in the service of the Cistercian abbot Václav Vejmluva in Žďár nad Sázavou as a painter counterpart of the famous architect Jan Blažej Santini-Aichl. The monograph, written in Italian, is the first of its kind and encompasses his life and complete works throughout the territory of nowadays Italy, the Czech Republic, Slovenia and Austria.
Olomouc: Palacký University Olomouc 2011, 176 pp.
ISBN: 978-80-244-2922-9
Within the Holy Roman Empire, the Kingdom of Bohemia formed an entity which if nothing else was reflected in its culture. This study examines the contribution to the creation of this entity for which philosophy claims the credit. It continues the depiction of Bohemian Baroque philosophy up to the end of Emperor Joseph the Second’s reign in 1790, when the reception of the European Enlightenment became manifest, and shows that a major center of philosophical thought had developed in the 17th century in Prague in particular. The historical and systematic approach taken by the work will appeal to professional philosophers and to those readers interested in cultural history.
Stuttgart-Bad Canstatt: Fromann-Holzboog Verlag, 2009, 280 pp.
ISBN: 978-3-7728-2478