• News


13 September 2022

Courses for Doctoral Students

Centre for lifelong learning offers courses for doctoral students.





How to support teaching and learning in higher education




The aim of the programme is to support doctoral students at Charles University who are relatively new to university teaching but they are expected to teach within this academic year. This programme will provide basic understanding of the principles of learning and offer practical teaching strategies in various settings. Topics and working methods will contribute to the participants’ teaching self-efficacy and support the achievement of the learning outcomes.

Presentation skills for academics and researchers



This programme is focused on how to structure an effective academic presentation and build confidence in presenting in English. We will look at the following: Learn how to structure presentations effectively; Practise language specific to presentations; Develop more engaging visuals; Use voice effectively; Review strategies to deal with fear and nervousness. Intended for academic staff!

Cooperative learning and how to use it


Physical attendance

Cooperative learning is an approach that is based on natural human interactions in which students work together to solve problems, thereby improving not only their knowledge but also social skills. Thanks to cooperative learning, we significantly improve active participation in class and help our students develop their core transversal competencies. This approach, unfortunately, is still not commonly utilized in class even though different modes of cooperation are commonly encountered outside school, especially at work. If cooperative learning is something you would like to explore in greater detail, this workshop is for you.


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Charles University

Catholic Theological Faculty

Thákurova 3, Prague 6, 160 00

Czech Republic

IČO: 00216208

DIČ: CZ00216208

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Dean (Secretariat)

+420 220 181 244,

fax:+420 220 181 234


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+420 220 181 241


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