• News


13 October 2022

The Labyrinth of the World and the Paradise of the Heart

A Journey through the labyrinth of the soul

We invite you for a small experiential pilgrimage through Prague, where we will immerse ourselves in the labyrinth of the contemporary world, try to find the depth of peace in our hearts and to not get lost in the process. Come with us to wander through Prague and see the hidden.

In his book, The Labyrinth of the World and the Paradise of the Heart, J.A. Komenský writes:

“My guides, who are the guides of every man groping through the world, are indeed these two: insatiability of Mind, which pries into everything, and Custom, which lends a color of truth to all the frauds of the world. Nevertheless, if you apply your reason to them, you will perceive, as I did, the miserable confusion of our race; should it appear otherwise, you may feel sure that you are looking through the eye-glasses of general deception, which present all things to your view upside down.”

When and Wehre?

  • The 13th of October, 14.30, The Centre of Care for the Soul

  • Meeting of participants in the café of the Hybernska Campus

We will end the pilgrimage in front of the Church of Our Lady of Victory (Church of the Infant Jesus of Prague) on Malá strana (Karmelitská 9, Prague 1). Tram stop "Hellichova". The pilgrimage is relatively easy. It is recommended to wear sports shoes and bring water. Length approx. 5 km.


Guides will be: František Štěch – theologian, Protestant Theological Faculty, Charles Univeristy

Pavol Bargar - theologian, Protestant Theological Faculty, Charles Univeristy

Mato Kováčik - doctoral student, Protestant Theological Faculty, Charles Univeristy

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Charles University

Catholic Theological Faculty

Thákurova 3, Prague 6, 160 00

Czech Republic

IČO: 00216208

DIČ: CZ00216208

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