The covenant (Hebrew "berit", Greek "diatheke") is a fundamental structural element of the life of Israel and the disciples of Jesus in the Church in relation to God. The course presents the basic types of covenants against the background of the ancient Near East and shows how their scheme is applied as a theological category in biblical books. The canonical approach prevails in the interpretation, i.e. with regard to the whole Bible, which, however, respects the historical circumstances and the literary character of the individual texts studied.
The theme of covenant today: overview of research
The Old Testament
Promise to patriarchs
The Covenant of Sinai (Exod. 19-24)
The role of the Covenant in the book of Deuteronomy
The Liturgy of the Covenant (Josh. 24)
The Royal Covenant with David
The Covenant of love in the books of prophets
The covenant of God with the world
Post-exile period
The New Testament
The Eucharist and the Covenant
Paul and the Covenant
The Epistle to the Hebrews
Covenant and creation
Hahn, Scott W. Kinship by Covenant. New Haven - London: Yale University Press, 2009.
Other titles will be added continuously
Students will prepare a paper on a topic of free choice from the material of the seminar. The length of the paper should be between 4500 and 9000 characters
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