Halls of Residence (Dormitories)

Accommodation at Charles University Halls of Residence

Charles University offers to its students accommodation at the Halls of Residence.

The allocation of rooms is the responsibility of the management of the hall of residence - if you wish to share a room with a friend or schoolmate, please ask the accommodation office (at the reception) upon your arrival.

Accommodation will be provided for the period corresponding to your study stay at Charles University. It is usually available approximately one week before the beginning of the semester/study period and students do not need to make any special request to move in during this week. You will be notified of the details of your accommodation on a voucher that you will receive together with the Letter of Admission.

Please contact if you have any queries or need any help.

Students of the Catholic Theological Faculty are usually accommodated in:

Student residence “Na Větrníku”


Na Větrníku 1932

162 00 Praha 6


+420 220 431 202 - reception

+420 220431217, 220431212 - office



web pages

Student residence areál Hostivař


Kolej areál Hostivař

Weilova 2

100 00 Praha 10


+420 267215211 -reception

+420 267215212, +420 267215213



web pages

For more information you can visit the following web pages.

Last change: November 21, 2023 15:35 

Charles University

Catholic Theological Faculty

Thákurova 3, Prague 6, 160 00

Czech Republic

IČO: 00216208

DIČ: CZ00216208

Main contacts

Dean (Secretariat)

+420 220 181 244,

fax:+420 220 181 234


International Relations Office

+420 220 181 241


other contacts

How to find us