Standard medical treatment is obtainable free of charge. The health care costs are carried by the chosen Czech health insurance fund. To obtain treatment under the provisions of European regulations it is important to contact a medical institution (doctor, dentist, hospital), that has a contract with the public health insurance system (most of them have, but some institutions are purely private).
Your European Health Insurance Card (EHIC), form E111 or Provisional certificate has to be submitted to the attending physician. If you do not have either of these documents, the physician can insist on cash payment.
In order for the doctor to ensure his or her own reimbursement from the contracting Czech health insurance fund, he or she will need to see your EHIC card, Provisional certificate, or E111 form, and will copy the information onto another specific internal form, known as "Potvrzení o nároku" (Certificate of entitlement). The doctor will also need to check your ID document (passport, ID card, drivers license).
The doctor will normally ask you to confirm your expected length of stay in the territory of the Czech Republic and will advise you to choose one of Czech contracting health insurance funds. You will confirm your choice and expected length of your stay by signature in above-mentioned "Potvrzení o nároku" (Certificate of entitlement).
If any medicines, laboratory tests, or any further examinations are prescribed, the doctor should give you an appropriate number of copies of "Potvrzení o nároku" (Certificate of entitlement). The copy should then be submitted to the pharmacy, laboratory or surgery.
Please bear in mind, that your European health card insurance (or with the E111 form and Provisional certificate) entitles you only to coverage of the costs of medical care in the Czech Republic and Czech doctors are instructed to try to ensure that you need not leave the country earlier than you planned as a result of medical problems.
Other kinds of medically related care, e.g. non-urgent treatment, or medically assisted transport home following serious illness or injury, are not covered, and for these eventualities we recommend you take out extra medical or commercial travel insurance with an insurance provider in your home country.
In case of medical need a temporary stay in the CR, visitors with the E 111, Provisional certificate or the EHIC can go to the doctor/dentist/hospital directly with this document. If you are staying in the CR for a relatively long period (1 semester) you may – if you wish – make a direct agreement with a Czech health insurance company, and register with it. As the registration document you will obtain "Potvrzení o registraci" (Certificate of Registration) which can be submitted to any doctor/dentist/at the hospital before getting treatment.
Standard dental care is generally covered by the health insurance system. As in other EU countries, however, some forms of non-essential (cosmetic) treatment or higher quality materials require extra payments. If you need treatment by a specialist, the general practitioner will refer you to one. In urgent cases visitors can go to a hospital with the E111/EHIC directly. In other cases the practitioner issues a recommendation for admission to hospital. Transport to the hospital is covered by the insurance system and is provided free of charge. In case of urgent medical transport or in case of treatment by a doctor from the emergency service it is also necessary to present your EHIC/E111 or Provisional certificate.
If the doctor decides to prescribe medicines, he or she will issue a prescription and should also give you a copy of "Potvrzení o nároku" (Certificate of entitlement) as mentioned before. For some medicines the patient must make some financial contribution while some groups of drugs are free for the patient.
In the Czech republic, non-prescription drugs and medicines are sold only in pharmacies. They are not available at supermarkets, as in many West European countries. Pharmacies may be recognised by the prominent green cross-displayed over the shop-front. Many have staff who can speak English or German, and are used to offering advice to tourists (especially in the city centres).
Health Funding in the Czech Republic
Standard medical treatment is obtainable free of charge. The health care costs are carried by the chosen Czech health insurance fund. There are compulsory prescription charges on some medications, materials and forms of dental treatment. These charges are not refundable.
If you (by mistake or for any other reason) pay cash for medical treatment that is covered by your home insurance company, you will have to apply for reimbursement at home since such costs are not refundable within the CR.
Students from outside non-EU countries are not covered by the EU’s E-111 form, and they therefore must have a valid international medical insurance plan, or they must expect to pay cash for all medical care.
In case of emergency or an accident use any hospital or health clinic.
If your medical problem isn't an emergency, Prague has several clinics that cater to English-speaking clients that can provide a network of services from basic examination to accompanying a patient to the hospital. Please note, however, that these are usually commercial operations that may charge a high fee.
If you need to visit a general practitioner, gynaecologist or dentist, you can go to one of the following health centres:
Studentský zdravotní ústav Praha Phone: +420 224 949 035 Spálená 12 110 00 Praha 1 |
Nemocnice na Homolce Hospital (foreign pavilion) Phone:+420 257 272 144, +420 257 272 146 Praha 5, Roentgenova 2 |
Mediconet Phone: +420 221 775 111 V Celnici 5, 110 00 Praha 1 (alternative entrance Na Poříčí 1040/10) Metro line B, Station Náměstí Republiky Tram Number 3, 5, 8, 9, 14, 22, 24 |
DC Mediscan - Chodov Phone: +420 267 090 811 – 14 Šustova 1930, 148 00 Praha 11 – Chodov (in the same building as Policlinics Jižní Město II) Metro line C, Station Chodov Bus Number 115, 118, 122, 177, 197 - station Chodov |
More information: Health Insurance Bureau / Charles University